Wednesday, December 08, 2004
The Combatants' Corners
The Cranky NeoconThe Gleeson Blogomerate
Sharp As A Marble
Six Meat Buffet
Beth & her VRWC
Jane's Armies of Liberation
Carnivorous Conservative
Common Sense Runs Wild
Soldiers' Angel Holly Aho
Vince Aut Morire
The American Princess
Girl on the Right
Merri Musings
You want to jump in the ring? Email Beth ~ at ~ bamapachyderm - com
Sensitive bloggers need not apply.
So, my wife is a little an the diminutive side, what of it? Are you so devoid of wit that you must poke fun at physical differences? At least Jim (Gaghertey, Geggerthy, Garehgty, Ghargetty) doesn't stoop to those depths.
Sean: Yes.
Robb: Who accused me of being nice in the first place?
I am glad to see that the mudslinging has not only NOT stopped, but has picked up another straggler. Excelllllllllllllllllllent.
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