Saturday, December 11, 2004

She needs you now, brother!

Avenge Our Fallen 177. Vote Gleeson Today!

177 votes snuffed out.

That's right, brother. Snatched away. These were real votes. American votes. Gleeson votes!

They're gone, and they ain't comin' back. They did their part. The only question is,

what are YOU gonna do about it?

We can win or lose this thing, but to win it you gotta get out there and vote!

And don't tell me why you can't be troubled to do it...



Blogger Gordon said...

Sean, you jab Bill about being second to the Kerry Spot and THIS happens? I tried to warn you, friend.

Now we need an MSM hook for this. How 'bout Blofia™ (blog Mafia)?

8:43 AM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

Thank you for your condolences. Right now, I am 114 votes behind.

Kevin never told me any details, do all I can do is speculate. If all 177 votes came from one IP address all at once, then obviously it was a hack, and he was right to delete them. But if the votes were from several addresses, over several days, then I think these were honest votes than got unfairly erased.

My wife and I have two computers that share a router. Were our votes deleted? Her parents have a similar setup, and so do many corporate offices. And then there's AOL. Unless Aylward e-mails me with some details of what happened, I can only assume that these are the sorts of votes that got trashed.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

Update: Kevin e-mailed me. (Thanks, Kev.) The votes were the work of a malicious hacker, but no friend of mine. See my site for full details.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

And now I am 75 votes behind. Closing, closing,... Talk about dramatic tension!

6:02 PM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

69 votes, still closing...

11:46 PM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

You get more accurate results by calculating to the tenth of a percent, instead of rounding to the nearest whole percentage point. For instance, right now, the difference is 2.4 percent of 2593, or 62 votes.

2:45 AM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

Now it's 55. Man, this is killin' me.

9:13 AM  
Blogger Sean Gleeson said...

Okay, it's not killin' me. This whole "Avenge our Fallen 177" is a joke, you realize. There are no "fallen 177," 'cuz those weren't real votes. And even if they were, my war-and-patriotism metaphor is far out of proportion to the importance of the actual event. (But she is lovely, isn't she?)

Your advice is appreciated. I sense that you're really angry at me for something, but I don't know what. I thought we were just joking around here. We've all been tossing around these fake insults, false charges, and bombastic claims of superiority and whatnot. That's what I've been doing all along, only yesterday and today, I've been concentrating on the bombastic rhetoric part. If I've said anything that offended you, I'm sure I was kidding. If my readership, like you, gets the impression that I'm too caught up with the contest, they can at least look forward to tomorrow, when all this fake bitchslapping will be over, and you'll see me win or lose as graciously as any gentleman.

Of course I've been posting riffs about the contest since it started, but I've also been putting up some of the best work I've ever done (if I do say so myself) in the same period. Funny things here, here, and here; and even more serious stuff (as serious as I get, leastways) here, and here.

My contest blogging hasn't really taken anything away from my non-contest blogging, just added to it. My blog has always consisted one or two posts a day from me and my wife, with a combination of jokes and pictures of our kids and pets. (And I've always posted backlinks in the comments of other blogs. I think you've just never paid such close attention to me before.)

Anyhoo, you're right that the contest is pretty trivial. Still, I was stunned by the unexpected departure of my 177 phantom votes, and challenged myself to get them back in the two remaining days. I came pretty close, too. (Still 42 short, last I checked.) Doing the math, extrapolating from the current rates of voting, I don't think I'll make it. But at least I won't lose by hundreds.

Can we still be friends?

2:16 PM  

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